Monday, January 3, 2011

Doctor review: Mark Pellegrino

I think a big part of the pain community is sharing in the doctors we find that are amazing... and sharing the ones who aren't so amazing. We have to look out for each other because some of these doctors don't have the right intentions, or the heart that is needed for something as difficult as chronic pain.

Mark Pellegrino, who practices in Canton, Ohio, is supposed to be one of the leading physicians in Fibromyalgia. I was sent to him after my diagnosis because of how good he was.

And he was really good... in the beginning. But the longer I didn't get better, the worse he got. He would get annoyed with me; trying to make it out like I wasn't doing enough to make myself better. In fact, in our last appointment, he told me I was refusing to get better because I wanted money for disability.

1. It's not that much money. Certainly not enough for this type of headache.
2. I WANT to be better. I don't want to feel like this.

He's refused, so far, to send me my medical records. When I asked for them, he just sent his notes which read as very passive-aggressive against me the more time that went on. They told me today that they would send all the files. I've been trying to get them for over a year. They won't send my medical notes, the results of the tests he ran, or anything else. We'll see if they send it now.

I can't begin to describe to you how it feels to be told you are refusing to get better. I felt cold, numb. My whole body seemed to tingle with pain. No one should be told that.

I can't recommend this doctor. If you are the type that will get better on small treatments, then by all means, see him. But if you might be one of the many who doesn't get better so easily, or at all, stay away from him.

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