Saturday, January 5, 2013


We love you, Beau, and will miss you so much. We'll meet again.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Weekly Inkblot Episode 1: What is Mental Health?

To Whom It May Concern

My name is Emi Cordill, and I am a mental health patient in Ohio. I have been on medications and in therapy for over ten years. With the Newtown tragedy, everyone began to start questioning what we could have done differently to have prevented it. A lot of people talked about gun control, but many spoke about things in the mental health field that needed to change. Part of that change is awareness, and a change of thinking when it comes to mental health and mental illness. And that change must begin with us.

This is why my friends and I are starting a weekly web series titled Weekly Inkblot. Every Friday at 7pm on Google+ Hangout we will talk about mental health, mental illness, and everything that goes with it. We wish to raise awareness, and we hope to help people. After we air on Google+, it will be uploaded onto my youtube page at

I am sharing this information with you because I want to get the word out and I am trying all avenues I have to do that. We have a facebook page and will be posting the videos there every week, as well as people can add me on Google+ to try and get on the panel one week, or even to just watch it live.

If we change just one life, it is worth it.

Thank you for your time.

Emi Cordill

Tuesday, January 1, 2013