Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tales of a Dumbass

Now don't get me wrong. I love my fiance, and I think he's a very, very intelligent man. But sometimes.... sometimes I just want to smack the shit out of him, and today was one of those days.

I got a call around 11am from Asher. I asked how he was doing and he told me not well at all. Why? He had come home from work (he works the night shift) and decided to have a beer or two. That's fine. He has time to sleep it off. The dumbass move was deciding to play with his butterfly knife at the same time. It slipped, he caught it wrong and it went right into his leg. Around 2.5 inches in.

So I drive out to his house (about a 30 minute drive) to take him to the emergency room because he couldn't drive. The poor man could barely move it hurt him so bad.

He did this to himself, but I love him, and of course I had a lot more sympathy once I saw him. He was starting to go into shock and every bump in the road was horrible for him.

He was almost near screaming when the doctor was putting the anesthetic in. I couldn't even watch it was upsetting me so much.

He got 4 stitches total, which isn't too bad. It was more about how far it went in. He's at home sleeping some of it off now. But it was really scary there in the middle. He wasn't really responding to me, and he couldn't even focus his eyes on me. I was so afraid that he was going to close his eyes (while going into shock) and not wake up. I was one step away from screaming to the nurses for help. Luckily when they put the anesthetic in, it helped relieve a lot of pain and he started to return to his normal self.

His brother Aaron made it clear that Ash was a dumbass for it even happening. And he is.

I'm in love with a dumbass.

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