Saturday, October 15, 2011

Do you let it stop you from living, or do you just give into it and whither away?

 I never let it get to that point because it seems like once you step beyond that line, it's hard to go back. I have times where I have to remind myself what I need to do, and why it's worth it to keep going. I think you really have to be proactive about chugging along because it's easy to just want to quit. So I tell myself it's time to get up and go do something. It's time to work on wedding stuff. It's time to work out. There's still a life to life.

What kinds of things make it easier for you to manage/cope/deal with the pain?

 My family, definitely. Being able to sit and chat and laugh with Asher or with my mom makes it a little more bearable. The cats help a lot too. It's nice to have that unconditional love when you're having a bad day. They know instantly and come up to give me love. Watching comedy, writing, and just thinking of other things. 

And when all else fails, sleep.

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