Friday, July 29, 2011

Yay for some good news finally!

I'm not going to go into large detail about what happened because I think my fiance deserves his privacy, but I will say that many years ago (over 3 now) he made some pretty big mistakes and ended up with a felony on his record and spending 6 months in prison. His family refers to it as camp. I hate that term because I think it makes it seem much nicer than it was. He went through hell in there, and lets just call it what it is. Prison.

Anyway... we went to court today because he had a hearing on whether they would expunge it off his record or not. He was the really calm one while I was fidgety as hell. I was worried the prosecutor would have some objection (because isn't that what they normally do?) but it went off without a hitch, and it will be expunged within 30 days.

I'm so glad!

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