Sunday, July 10, 2011

The End....?

Well, I'm sure it's not entirely the end. The shit has hit the fan and this will be a huge explosion.

Either way, I'm pretty sure Ash and I have been kicked out of the family. Well, at least when it comes to Sharon. The birthday party went horribly. She attacked me personally rather than just admit that she said anything about my weight. Called me a rude person, how I'm always rude to them. No, I'm not. I've been nothing but nice to you, woman, even when I got to the point I couldn't stand you. And if you're talking about me being quiet? Well now you're just being a bitch. I'm quiet because of a very severe, genetic social phobia. She also tried saying I never liked her, which isn't true. I never liked her husband, but she was a different story. It wasn't until his grandma died and we started seeing how petty and cruel she could be, and that's when I stopped liking her.

Ash wouldn't stand for her doing that, and went off on her. I don't even remember the specifics because I walked out after the first insult (she did more after I left).

Either way, he gave his key back and we're not going over there or contacting them again. Ash was expecting this and he's very calm about the whole thing. He's been expecting it for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry Emi. Just know that you are loved and cared for by many! She will either learn to be respectful and love the person her son loves or she won't, my mother in law had to learn that. She told me the other night, that she had to learn that while she thought some of her sarcastic comments were funny, others took them as not so funny, and she has had to learn not to say the first thing that rolls off her tongue, because she truly loves her sons and her daughter in laws. Just know that I love you, and am thankful for the shy woman who overcame her shyness to say hi to me, on my first morning alone in Cleveland, because I would have sat alone, in my own shyness, otherwise. You are a very very special friend (more then friend, almost daughter but not daughter because I am not that old I am telling you!!!, maybe sister, but we do not fight like siblings, lol, anyway, you get the picture) and you mean the world to me!
