Sunday, September 18, 2011

Getting away

So I went up to Michigan for the weekend to see my friend Ash. This was my first time actually doing the drive all by myself. It's 3 hours from here. And I actually handled it rather well. The drive back was harder on my body, but I survived and thank god for Tylenol!

It was mainly a big handout session. Our mutual friend Kelly came over the first night to hang out and it was great to see her again. It's been around 3 years!

Ash, Kelly, and me

Then the second day, I did something I wasn't sure I'd ever do! I got a tattoo! I was really worried about the pain aspect, and whether it would heal alright with all of my health issues. I will say that the pain was definitely a 9 out of 10 when he was actually tattooing me. But I was able to get through it, and I absolutely love the tattoo. It was exactly what I wanted and he did a great job.

All in all, I had a great time, and it was nice meeting some of her best friends. We're going to try and plan a Cedar Point trip with everyone. They'll drive down and we'll drive up and I think it will be a blast!


  1. Did it hurt to get a tattoo with your fibromyalgia? I've been wanting to get one but I worry it will make the pain worse than it already is.

    1. It felt like a bee was stinging me the entire time. And I did wonder if I was going to be able to handle it, but when he took the needle away, it didn't hurt anymore. And it didn't make me flare.
