Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All about the alcohol

It's interesting to me just how important social drinking is in our society. I don't think we notice it that much until we have a big reason not to.

Bachelorette party? Drink!
Wedding? Drink!
Labor day? Drink!
4th of July? Drink!
Christmas! Egg nog, drink!

I'm sure I could go on and on. And it's not like I'm really complaining about it. I just find it interesting. I, of course, have to sit by the sidelines for it. You can't drink with the types of medications I'm on. It's dangerous. And add on my heart problems, drinking isn't good for POTS.

And it does feel like I'm a little left out. I'm in my mid-20's, and this is something I supposed to be experiencing during college. And then I got sick. What's funny is that I don't even really like the taste of alcohol. It's more that because it has been yanked from me, I feel a bit of a loss.

For those of you who can't drink either, I totally recommend Martinelli's sparkling cider. It tastes great, and it feels like you get to party with people without having to hurt your body. I am addicted to that stuff!

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