Friday, April 29, 2011

Affairs of the heart

We're back from Utah. It was a good trip. We had fun.

I haven't updated partly because I'm kind of emotionally messed up right now. I keep thinking of all these things I need to say, but can't yet. I can't put it into words. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things without obsessing like I usually do, but it's hard. Especially when I have time on my own and I'm stuck in my own head.

That's one of the biggest things I know I need to work on, this obsessing. I let myself think things to death and then I just feel bad until I can find a way to release it. Sometimes I can do it by writing, other times it ends up in cutting. I'm not to that point right now, but the obsessing isn't a good thing.

I need to just try and focus on packing. That's my silver lining right now: moving to our own place. I just need to finish packing up the small things. You never realize how much crap you have until you have to pack it up.

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