Thursday, July 7, 2011

What is family?

I think my brother has magical powers. It started when we were young, and has lasted even until now. He has this uncanny ability to just calm me down and make me feel better. I don't even know how he does it. And he's right in what he says too. We can't let Sharon just get away with talking behind our backs about things so sensitive as weight. We can't let her think this behavior  is okay in any way.

Ash and I have been talking extensively about what is going to happen now. He's sad it has come to this, but I think he is ready to turn away if he has to. He's planning on talking about what she did as calmly as possible. The best scenario is that she admits what she did and just apologizes to all parties involved. Worst case scenario is that we walk out while telling her she isn't welcome in our house either.

But what I have definitely decided is that after the birthday party, I will not be going to her house again. My brother is right in that it needs to be a clean break away so she knows I'm not accepting her behavior. And in the long run, it's better for me. I'm so tired of pretending to like them. They are such fake people, and I can only handle a few hours with them before I get tired of the game. So it's better to just remove myself from the situation. If Ash wants to continue to go over there, then that is up to him. It's still his mother. But I don't have to, and I won't.

We'll see what happens this weekend though. Aaron has already told his mom that he is unhappy with all of this, and I'm proud of him for sticking up to her. I know he tends to lean toward not making waves, but this is his wife we're talking about and he has to stick up for her. And he did. And Ash will too. This birthday party will change things forever.

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