Sunday, March 13, 2011

You Lift Me Up (Part 2)

I'm in quite as angry of a place at this moment, probably because of something going on with a friend in a completely different circle, but it makes me nostalgic for my friend that I was talking about 2 posts down.

I don't want to make her sound like a horrible person, because she's not. The problem is that the friend I loved doesn't seem to be there anymore. She's too bogged down by the depression. I haven't seen the friend I love in months now. Every once in a while there is a glimpse of that person, but it's becoming further and further between those moments.

Shellie did a tarot reading for her a while ago and one of the things it says is that she is where she is now due to what she has done in the past, and the future will be paved out with the actions she chooses to take. She has pushed us all away now, and she probably feels like she can't trust any of us, but we still love her. We sit there trying to figure out what to do, how to help, and we don't know what to do.

When she is being the person I remember, she's funny, intelligent, insightful, very good at reading people, and very protective. She also wants to keep learning, keep reading. She's an amazing woman. But she doesn't see that, and won't listen to us. I feel like my friend is being slowly murdered and I can't do anything to help her.

I want my friend back.


  1. [i]Shellie did a tarot reading for her a while ago and one of the things it says is that she is where she is now due to what she has done in the past, and the future will be paved out with the actions she chooses to take.[/i]

    What a cruel and toxic thing to say in this situation.

  2. It's not about being cruel. It's what the reading said. And she wasn't really that upset by it.
